Friday, January 12, 2007

How To Use Forum Marketing As An Easy Internet Marketing Strategy

By: Michael Moshkovich

Perhaps you have heard of the KISS method for doing Internet marketing. Keep It Simple Stupid. Internet marketing does not require you to be a rocket scientist, but it does require you to work. Here is an Internet marketing strategy you can work at to help you earn money on the internet.

When it comes to Internet marketing, think about the market you are targeting. These are people that can use the product that you sell. One strategy that works if you work at it is forum marketing. An Internet forum is an on-line discussion group where people exchange ideas about a common interest. There are literally thousands of discussion forums on the Internet on every topic you can imagine.

The Internet strategy you are using here is to join a forum that relates to the product you sell. As a member you will be able to establish a profile that you can include your website. Many forums will let you create a signature file where you can create a short classified ad about yourself or your business. In that again you want to include your website address.

To effectively use forum marketing you will have to spend time in the forum asking and answering questions. What you are really doing is beginning to establish relationships with people. If you create quality posts in the forum you will start to establish yourself as an expert. The value of this is when people read your posts they will be curious to learn more about you. As they read your profile or signature file they will see you website address and click on it. You have just created a visitor to your site.

This is probably the easiest thing you will ever do and this Internet marketing strategy can make you thousands of dollars for years to come. Why? Because most forums archive their posts and search engines spider these for useful content. One good forum post can be picked up by a search engine and bring you website traffic over and over.

For this reason you want to try and include keywords in your post that relate to the content of your website. Do not keyword spam by writing the same word over and over, but just write like you talk and be mindful of an opportunity to work in a keyword when you can.

There is one last benefit you can derive from a good forum. You can get a lot of good ideas. This is free training for you. You will very quickly be able to spot people in the forum who post good content that can teach you things. Over time you will go from student to teacher yourself.

As an Internet marketing strategy forum marketing is one of the easiest. It takes time and effort, but is a long term way to get traffic to your website.

Copyright (c) 2007 WebCart

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What Makes Adsense Work

By: Karl Stadler

What does make Adsense work – there are as many ideas as there are theories. Some maintain it is the placement of the ad on the page, some say integrate it into the page and it must have the look and feel of the webpage. It should be at the top and in this format and so the secrets continue.

There is only one real secret to adsense success; it is nothing more than traffic. Without substantial traffic your adsense pages will not make you money. There is proof of this statement, just look at the click through rate that you are receiving on your current pages and you will immediately notice that it takes a lot of visitors to generate a click.

If things go really well you could have as high as a fifty percent and upwards CTR. This is possible, has been done and proven, but it won't just happen on any old page.

Placement of the ad does play a role but it is not so big as many would like you to believe. Information on the best placement of adsense code on your page is no secret and is free information on Google. It is called a heat map and will show you exactly where to place your ads for maximum exposure and CTR.

The problem with most adsense driven sites is exactly that, they are adsense driven. Nobody nowadays seem to care about the visitor landing on the page, they have just become click machines supposed to make you money. According to most adsense sites they are there for you and not the other way around. No second thought is given to the surfing experience of the visitor.

You have been made to believe that you need a multitude of sites and use all sorts of templates and secret positioning tactics for maximum income. So every second would be adsense millionaire is putting up thousands of crappy pages all over the internet to get those adsense clicks that will elevate them to the illusive four and five figure adsense earners. They tend to forget the internet marketplace is probably the most dynamic market there is, and changes every day. Certain elements of course remain the same but you have to be able to broaden your thinking and think out of the box sometimes.

Let's go back to the least important person for most adsense publishers, the visitor to the page. These poor souls land on your pages either through generic or PPC traffic. Either way you have the possibility that they might be clicking on one of your adsense links. The only driving force for the visitor to click your link is he found the information on your page that related to his search, and after going through your page he will click on one of your links in adsense to further his search.

Now adsense displays relevant ads on your page based on the content of the page. If the visitor is not finding what they are looking for how on earth do you expect adsense to find related content ads to place on your page.

By taking your visitor into account and actually providing for them you are also insuring for yourself that the correct adsense ads will be displaying on your pages, and hence will deliver a good CTR. Just putting up one thousand new pages with some template or other automatic page creating device will certainly not hit the mark.

You would most probably be much better off with ten well designed and optimized pages, not only for the search engines but for your visitors, and you might then really be able to ensure a profitable adsense campaign.

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Saturday, January 6, 2007

Starting An Internet Home Based Business - Five Common Mistakes To Avoid

By: Elaine Currie

Many people who would like to start an Internet home based business have no idea of the best way to get started. Starting an Internet home based business is definitely exciting but the experience can also be overwhelming. There are vast numbers of Internet home based business opportunities available and researching just a few likely looking ones, can result in information overload.

You can easily succeed with an Internet home business opportunity if you avoid these five common mistakes when starting out.

So what are some of the most common mistakes that people who are starting a home based business can make?

1. Failing to plan and set themselves goals.

Starting an Internet home based business without making a business plan which includes budgets is the first step towards disaster. Having step by step goals and a plan of how much is to be spent at each stage is vitally important. It is essential to know what you want to achieve from your business and how much you intend to spend on start up and ongoing promotion.

2. Failing To Follow A Proven Business Model

There is no need to act like a pioneer in the Wild West when you are starting your home based business. There are any number of examples of proven money making business models on the Internet. Duplication will enable you to succeed with your Internet home based business: find someone who is in the position you want to achieve and duplicate what they did to succeed. If you join a turnkey Internet home based business opportunity, you will have access to training material which will show you exactly what steps you need to take to achieve success in your home business.

3. Falling for a get rich quick scheme

Don't think starting an Internet home based business means you will get rich overnight. This type of unrealistic expectation is one of the biggest reasons people give up soon after starting a home based business. Getting any business into profit mode will take a certain amount of time, and an Internet home based business is certainly no exception.

4. Falling For The "Free" Myth

If you believe you can have a successful Internet home based business without making any financial investment, you are heading for a grave disappointment. There are many valuable free resources available online but expecting to start and develop a serious Internet business with out any outlay is simply not realistic.

5. Giving Up Too Easily

Your two best friends when first starting an Internet home based business will be patience and persistence. Actually, come to think of it, those two will remain your best friends all the way to reaching profit mode and beyond. Becoming successful with an Internet home based business will take time and you must be prepared to exercise patience while you are working towards your goals. You also need to use persisence when working at promoting your business because there are bound to be tasks that seem boring to you.

If you avoid these five common mistakes, you can find success with your home based business.

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3 Powerful Affiliate Marketing Tactics to Effectively Close the Sale

By: Mal Keenan

As an affiliate marketer, my main aim is to get the most profit out of the market I am promoting to. Over the years through trial and error I have perfected what I believe to be three of the most important strategies for gaining nice profits from whichever internet market you decide to enter.

So, let's get started...

Strategy Number One - You should absolutely set up a website for your affiliate products. Sure, every product will come with it's own affiliate page customised with your unique affiliate links but smart marketers know that this is not enough. It is very important that you set up your own website for your affiliate products. That includes registering your domain and hosting, plus creating or paying for a simple web design complete with the affiliate images that most affiliate programs provide.

Setting up a website may seem like too much hard work but believe me, it pays off in terms of future profits if you put in the initial effort.

It also pays to create a different page within your website for each affiliate product or service. You could write an article or review page highlighting the benefits of using your recomended service with a link to your unique affiliate page.

Setting up a blog geared towards your affiliate market is the perfect way to impliment the above strategy.

Strategy Number Two - Next on my list of essential strategies is to place an optin form on your website offering a free report outlining the benfits of your service. It is a fact that the majority of sales are made between the fifth and twelfth contact between you and your prospect.

If a prospect visits your site and then clicks off never to return, you have missed many more opportunities to close the sale. That's where the optin form comes in. If you manage to entice website visitors to offer their email address then you can follow up via an email autoresponder as often as you like or until the prospect unsubscribes from your list.

Short 7 day reports are quite effective and if you provide useful information you may have a customer for life. Capturing a prospects email address is one of the most important tasks in affiliate marketing and internet marketing as a whole.

Strategy Number Three - Drive TARGETED traffic to your site. No point in paying to send general website visitors to a site built around the topic of "Exotic Birds". Pointless writing and submitting articles on "Travel in Italy" if you are sending visitors to an "Internet Marketing" site. You get the point?

It is essential that your visitors are targeted to your affiliate marketing niche if you are going to close the sale. This point may seem obvious to some, but many IM newbies spend countless hours and dollars focusing on website traffic that is simply not interested in what they have to offer.

The three strategies above are extremely effective and even more so in a tight niche market. If you employ this advice you are well on your way to becoming a successful affiliate marketer.

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